Scotland's Road Safety Framework

Transport Scotland Road Safety Policy are always refining and looking for ways to make our roads safer for all.

Below is a list of people who have applied and are getting match funding for their road safety ideas right now.

Safe System Training and Capacity Building

Funding Period: 2023-24

Location: Nationally

Organisation: Agilysis

Main Aims:

  • Develop a Safe System Primer eLearning course
  • Carry out a Data RoadMap
  • Deliver 2x Safe System Foundation courses
  • Safe System Implementation Course curriculum and facilitation guide
  • Create Safe System Culture Playbook
  • Create a Framework for Safe System Manual

    Senior Driver Fitness to Drive Assessments (FTDA)

    Funding Period: 2024-25

    Location: Aberdeenshire

    Organisation: Police Scotland

    Main Aims:

    • To deliver 100 FTDA’s following referrals from Police Scotland, NHS, DVLA, and Adult Social Work Services (private referrals will be accepted depending on the circumstances)
    • To contribute to the Safe System approach by facilitating safe road use through FTDA’s
    • To engage with partners, families, and through utilising media, to raise awareness of the risks associated with fitness to drive as we age, supporting the attainment of targets to reduce the number of older road users killed or seriously injured in line with Scotland’s Road Safety Framework to 2030

    Scottish Occupational Road Safety Alliance

    Funding period: 2022-23

    Location: Various

    Organisation: ScORSA

    Main aims:

    • Increase ScORSA membership/grow the community/network by 15%.
    • Build on the recommendations made in the LynnPR report to ensure new and existing members access web content linked to ScORSA deliverables within the RSF 2030.
    • Increase awareness of ScORSA and its membership benefits on social media, emphasising the role both organisations and individual drivers can play in delivering the RSF 2030.
    • Elevate comms activity to further improve the visibility of ScORSA and partner messaging.
    • Engage with members through a series of 10 webinars, encompassing new and emerging issues linked to driving for work.
    • Create a further series of 6 podcasts focusing on ScORSA member organisations talking about how they manage the risks.

    BOSCH Vehicle Data Analysis

    Funding period: 2021-22

    Location: Various

    Organisation: Police Scotland

    Main aims:

    • Provide national training to bespoke officers (25 technicians and 8 analysts).
    • Identify trends in data which may lead to improvements in road safety, road design, driver training and road safety messaging.
    • Share reports with Transport Scotland, under a data sharing agreement, which will assist with providing key information to the ongoing in-depth fatality study.
    • Gain feedback from all 33 individuals who have been trained. This will be conducted using a combination of online, self-completion survey methods and follow-up telephone interviews in order to have a trained researcher capture responses to determine how the BOSCH tool improved the quality of the findings of their enquiry.

    Driver Engagement North

    Funding period: 2018-20

    Location: Highlands

    Key priority: Age

    Organisation: Police Scotland / NHS / Local Authority Community Safety Groups / IAM Roadsmart / Age Concern / RoSPA

    Main aims:

    • To reduce casualties and collisions in the Highland area by engaging older drivers and their friends/families in a multi-agency led interactive workshop.
    • Test participants’ driving skills and reactions by using an interactive driving simulator in a safe environment and deliver educational inputs, in addition to on-site provision of specialist support services.
    • To encourage older drivers (aged 65 and over) to consider the standard of their driving, health, wellbeing, eyesight, mobility and to experience first-hand how these factors impact upon their ability to drive safely.
    • Highlight to participants that driver error, inattention and deterioration in health are some of the key causation factors in collision.

    The following Road Safety Framework Evaluation Initiatives are/will receive funding.

    Evaluation of Safety in Numbers

    Funding period: 2022-23

    Location: North East Scotland

    Organisation: Robert Gordon University / Aberdeenshire Council

    Main aims:

    • To investigate the potential causes of the reduction in road collisions and casualties across NE Scotland between 2011 and 2021.
    • To analyse existing data, policy and background information held by relevant public bodies in NE Scotland in relation to road safety campaigns for the period 2011-2020.
    • To identify existing systems of collision and casualty reporting in NE Scotland and the corresponding data for the period 2011-2020.
    • To identify relevant preventative vehicular and non-vehicular measures in relation to road casualties and collisions.
    • To investigate both professional and public perceptions of road safety in NE Scotland.

    Essential Cycling Skills – Online Resources

    Funding period: 2021/22

    Organisation: Cycling Scotland

    Main aims and objectives:

    • Evaluate the effectiveness of Essential Cycling Skills (ECS) training resources.
    • Understand the impact on people’s hazard awareness and knowledge of National Standard cycling following engagement with Cycling Scotland’s interactive online ‘Essential Cycling Skills Resource’.

    Evaluation coming soon.