Scotland's Road Safety Framework

10th October marks Police Scotland’s National Speed Operation. Speed is one of the fatal four. One of the most common contributory factors in collisions.

Inappropriate speed is still an area for concern on our roads, which is why Scotland’s Road Safety framework to 2030 has ‘Speed’ as one if its twelve strategic actions.

Travelling too fast for the conditions or excessive speed was reported in 10% of all reported accidents and 21% of fatal accidents in 2020.

The Road Safety Framework to 2030 has the goal of making Scotland’s roads the safest in the world. No road user is omitted and the plan is to ensure safer travel for all, no matter what mode is chosen. It adopts the highly-regarded ‘Safe System’ approach to road safety and sets challenging targets for the years ahead.

The Safe System has 5 new strategic outcomes for road safety, built around the five pillars of the Safe System: Safe Road Use; Safe Vehicles; Safe Speeds; Safe Roads and Roadsides; and Post-crash Response.

To ensure that everyone knows how they fit in to a Safe System, Transport Scotland launched five short animations for each pillar. The animation on speed can be found below:

To support the launch of the animation, we released the following article on our website, which provides helpful tips and information on how you can drive at an appropriate speed: